Perfil de Chris Cosentino

Balaguer Guitars Goliath Bass - Landing Page

Goliath Bass - Bold and Beautiful
Daily UI 003

My take on Daily UI's third challenge; landing page, above the fold. I decided to create a  landing page for the Balaguer Guitars Goliath bass. After obtaining the product assets, I took the photo of the bass into Photoshop to remove the background and to bring out the rich quality of the maple neck. From there, I built the layout and experimented with type and colour in Sketch. I settled on a clean, monochromatic design that makes a light reference to Google's Material Design guidelines.

Big and bold was the goal of this project, and I believe that this design puts the Goliath Bass forward in a strong, memorable way! Now I just need to get my hands on one of them...
Balaguer Guitars Goliath Bass - Landing Page

Balaguer Guitars Goliath Bass - Landing Page
