Ethernet: what is it, what is it for?

A large part of users know as Network all the connections that are established between different equipment, but it should be noted that, on the one hand, we have the connection through our modem, which is what makes it easier to connect to the Internet, while on the other there is an internal network that would be the one that connects several computers and peripherals inside an office, a house, etc. and this is what we call Ethernet connection. Next we will try to explain in a simple way what is Ethernet and of course we will also analyze some advantages over other types of connection.

Definition of Ethernet

Ethernet is a standard of local area networks created by the union of several computers through cable. This protocol was born in 1970 by Norman Abramson, who began to develop his doctoral thesis that would not see the light until 1973.

To give you an idea, the goal was to create a connection that we established between several computers that were for example in an office or even in our home, so that information could be transferred between them without the need for a connection external as the usual connection through the internet.

That is, on the one hand we have the Internet connection is the one that allows us to receive data from other external computers over which we have no control, and on the other hand we have the Ethernet connection that is what we established within a network of own computers , whether or not they are connected to the Internet, this would not affect the internal connection.

It should be noted that, in addition to sharing data such as files and folders between computers, it also allows all computers to connect to the same or the same peripherals, so that, for example, we could have an office with 10 computers, and all of them could print with a single printer, obviously without the need to be connecting and disconnecting cables. And of course, in the same way we can connect all the equipment and the internet without the need to carry a cable to each equipment and without the need of Wi-Fi connection.

Ethernet cable
This connection is established through a Lan where all computers, peripherals and modems will be connected,cable internet companies so that there will always be a single cable that will start from any of the equipment or peripherals to the Lan, and of course, all peripherals and computers that are connected to said Lan, will also remain connected to each other.

Of course each team will have a username and password so that you can establish connections and more specifically the permissions according to our needs, preventing certain teams from accessing the information of others, or only having access to a certain part of it.

This scheme is usually used with the objective of establishing a server that will contain all the information and programs that will be accessible from the rest of the teams, so that all the positions can always access fully updated information, which greatly favors the teamwork.

Imagine for a moment that we joined several people to work on a certain project, so that for example I can modify a Word file where we are adding a series of data, but the problem is that, once it has changed, you would continue having an outdated version of the file, which means that we would have to be sharing all the files that we are modifying at the same moment we do it, since otherwise we could induce some error within the project.

Thanks to the Ethernet connection, the only thing we have to do is put that file on the computer that we would consider as a server, so that, as soon as you have made any changes, I just have to save and automatically you would all access that fully updated file, which means that we will not have to warn or pass the new file, but everything will happen in real time.

This would be a basic idea about the utility of Ethernet, but above all we remind you that Ethernet connections involve connection via cable.

