Dragon and Fairy Legend Animated Short


Lac Long Quan is the protagonists in the film. He is the king of Vietnam in the Ancient Time. In the legend, Lac Long Quan is the dragon who eliminates all the Ancient Monsters.

Au Co was a young, beautiful fairy who lived high in the mountains. One day in the form of Lac Bird, she travels to Xich Quy (the country before Vietnam) and gets caught in a giant storm caused Ngu Tinh (Fish Monster).  Then she is saved by Lac Long Quan and falls in love with him.


In the Eastern sea, there appears a giant fish, called Ngư Tinh (Vietnamese for "fish monster"). This fish has lived for centuries, with the size of its mouth, it can consume a ship with 10 fisherman at the same time. Whenever the fish swim, waves can reach the sky, drown multiple ships, all the people passing through the area were all eaten by the fish. Ngư tinh lives in a big cave under the sea, above the cave is a huge mountain which divide the sea into two areas. In the movie, Ngu Tinh attacks Ac Co and is slayed by Lac Long Quan.


Ho Tinh (Fox Monster) in the move has 8 tales and lives in a deep cave with Moc Tinh (Tree Monster). Her ability is transforming to human form and controling animals. This character adds humour to the film. 


Moc Tinh (Tree Monster) is the big boss in the film. He is a giant tree who lives in the Earth for so long. In order to save human, Lac Long Quan has to defeat him. 

Dragon, Lac Bird & Ngu Tinh are 3D character. Click on each of them to see the 360 turn around. 
Created and produced by Red Cat Motion

Dragon and Fairy Legend Animated Short
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Dragon and Fairy Legend Animated Short

Every culture has a story of where they came from and how they came to be, and we Vietnamese people have story like that. Dragon and Fairy Legend Ver mais

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