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Remake of a Classic Book Cover

Symbolic Meaning Book Cover
Cinderella: Inner Beauty
The task for this project was to make a book cover that has symbolic meaning. I took pictures of a symbolic object, which was an apple. I tried many variations, sliced, bitten, peeled, cored and whole. Then I adjusted the photos in Photoshop in order to make the symbolism stronger.
I surveyed people to see what their thoughts were of the symbolism. The responses helped me adjust my thought process, and choose a final image.
After the image looked the way I wanted it I looked for a classic book with a story that would share the symbolism of the cover. The story I chose was Cinderella.
The red skin represents Cinderella’s rosy childhood. The memories that she had of that time in her life protected her like the skin protects the apple.

The white flesh of the apple in this picture is actually black and white and not really appealing to eat. That represents the next period of her life where she was raised in bitter circumstances, with little variety or interest to her life.

Finally, the core of the apple shows a star. This star is the inner beauty which is the strongest quality of Cinderella. It has it’s original glowing yellow color,  to represent the hope in her heart. The seeds also represent the preparation for the future through her own goodness, and also represent the seeds of forgiveness, because in the end Cinderella forgives her step-family.

Remake of a Classic Book Cover

Remake of a Classic Book Cover
