Have maintained the brand colors and have used them to showcase any call to action, or subtle visual aspects such as notifications. The LED-type blink notifications with the same color as that of the brand, makes the design look beautiful in all fields.

At the same time, I have used the concept to highlight the importance of showing only the essential elements on the screen. This provides a beautiful psychological path in user's mind and plays one of the fundamental roles in defining key User Experience.
The Profile Page is made beautiful with cover-page that goes rounded with overall concept of the theme. The profile picture that stands in the centre, beautifully hovering over the mid of the cover page.

The 5 important elements:
- Comments
- Replies
- Rewards find their designated place with notifications functionality as well. This makes them easily accessible, intuitive and beautiful at the same time.
- Wallet finds its respective call-to-action highlighted by brand color, place on the profile page.
Explore Page
The most important page of the design is the scrollable header, containing Trending, Hot, New, Promoted Categories. 

They are easy on eyes, intuitive in function and understandable in one go. With upvotes buttons placed right at the ending of the story, you instantly understand the function.
Thank-you. Drop in your views at twitter.com/@tanishqsh96
SteemIt Mobile App Concept

SteemIt Mobile App Concept

SteemIt is a social network that rewards its users in cryptocurrency for creating content. I wanted to create a fresh new design with essentials Další informace
