Theater Show Posters
The Little Theater Company
2008 - 2011
The Music Man poster was inspired by classic Americana posters and a vintage paper-cutout style.  The Music Man logo was hand-drawn and used on all materials associated with the production.
Our production of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew was set in the 1960's Mad Men era.  The poster was inspired by vintage film reels and frame-by-frame photo booth shots.  The gradual saturation of the frames from black and white to color follow the progression of Kate's growing affection for her suitor, Petruchio, throughout the five-act play.
Our Town was performed with a sparse set - two tables and two chairs were rearranged for every scene to portray every set - until an elaborate interior set was revealed for the last scene.  I helped to design and build the final set, and the poster was inspired by the juxtaposition of sparse and rich theater elements, and the full moon.


2009-2011 theater performance advertisements.
