Matheus Tokarnia's profile

Modelmaking: LVX Facade

Modelmaking: LVX Experiment
Maquete: Experimento LVX
Modelo experimental de uma fachada feito interiamente à partir de um código para grasshopper. O script gera a geometria, a planifica e a exporta pronta para o corte em ploter de corte. Alterando parametros do código, tanto a geometria quanto suas planificações são alteradas dinamicamente.

Experimental facade model made entirely out of a grasshopper code. The script generates both the 3D geometry as well as the cutting planifications ready to be processed by a cnc cutter. Changing parameters in the code, both the 3D and its planifications are altered dynamically.
1:100 - Paper model (16x12cm)
Grasshopper code and exports ready to be cut
Modelmaking: LVX Facade

Modelmaking: LVX Facade

Grasshopper algorithm design to produce and planificate a parametric louvre facade for modelmaking
