Blade Runner

International Digital Illustration Exhibition
in cooperation with the University of UTE in Ecuador
Vernissage: 11/12/2019 at 5PM
Galeria WIT, Gizów 6 Street, Warsaw
WIT – Warsaw School of Information Technology and Management
Exhibition curator: PhD Anna Kłos
Ecuador Coordinator: Christopher Scott – Professor of Graphic Design at the Universidad UTE and the director of SIGNÚ competition.
The exhibition includes selected, best works from the SIGNÚ International Competition of Illustration for Students 2019 organized by the University of UTE in Ecuador. Nearly 600 works from 40 universities and 16 countries were submitted for the competition. 80 works were selected for the main exhibition organized at the Art Gallery in Alianza Francesa in the capital of Ecuador.
Ryszard Pęza, a student of Graphics WIT (Warsaw School of Information Technology and Management) received a Gold Medal in this competition. The Silver Medal was awarded to Juan Tugumbango from Universidad Técnica del Norte from Ecuador, and the Bronze Medal was awarded to Damir Omić (University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The exhibition at the WIT Gallery is attended by students from the following universities: WIT – Warsaw School of Information Technology and Management (Poland), Universidad UTE (Ecuador), University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Tokyo University of the Arts (Japan), Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Colombia), Hoejer Design Efterskole (Denmark), Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (Slovakia), University of Pécs (Hungary), UNARTE: Universidad de Arte y Diseño Puebla (Mexico), Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (Ecuador), Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador), Universidad Técnica de Ambato (Ecuador), Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach (Poland), Donetsk National University (Ukraine), Academia das Artes Novi Sad (Serbia)

The exhibition at the WIT Gallery is complemented by selected digital illustrations created by students of WIT Graphics. The exhibition will last until mid-January 2020.


Międzynarodowe Wystawa Ilustracji Cyfrowej zorganizowana we współpracy z Uniwersytetem UTE w Ekwadorze

Galeria WIT, ul. Gizów 6, Warszawa

Lista studentów biorących udział w wystawie:
Adrian Quinatoa, Anastasiia Ulianova, Anna Janiszewska, Anna Panteleeva, Anna Szukała, BingHui Song, Bryan Cuasapaz, Carlos Morocho, Damir Omić, Daria Wójcik, Dominika Rabińska, Eleonora Wasielewska, Emilio Acosta, Estefany Erazo, Hanna Oloś, Izabella Szymanowska, Joanna Magdoń, Juan Tugumbango, Julia Kołak, Julia Maciorowska, Kamil Karpiński, Karolina Bartoszuk, Katarzyna Nachman, Krzysztof Szcześniak, Leonardo Gomez, Luis López, María Moreno, Mariana Terletska, Móricz Ildikó, Nina Batinica, Olivia Titley, Osmar Rivera, Patrycja Młynek, Paweł Podkowiński, Ryszard Pęza, Sebastián Mármol, Stanisław Książak, Tetiana Voinalovych.

Kurator wystawy: Anna Kłos
Koordynator: Christopher Scott
Zdjęcia: Artur Świerczewski
Blade Runner
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Blade Runner

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