M.A.D Company


M.A.D Company 由來自廣告、影視、時尚產業的資深成員聯合組成,2015 年創立於台北。
命名取自三位創始人名字首組成,標誌以三個不同面向的字母 (M.A.D) 構成三維空間,具有向內兼容與外在包覆的立體視覺特性。
利用錯視的表現象徵 M.A.D 透過由內而外的整合,具有良好的基礎,也擁有敏銳且獨特的前瞻性。藉由將標誌的三維空間轉化為二維線段與標準字結合並導入平面應用系統之中,強化識別層次與體現 M.A.D Company 對理念的堅持及執行力。

Make A Difference is the main concept from M.A.D Company.
M.A.D is a production company which focuses in advertisement, film and fashion field founded in 2015, Taipei.
It named by the names of three founders, it also means thinking with modern mind combines new technology and 3D production.
That leads us to develop the visual identity with dimensions and Optical. Together with the works M.A.D dose, 
it helps to communicate that M.A.D tell different stories and think diversity.

Type: Branding
Year: 2017
Design Agency: 不毛 nomo®creative
Creative Direction: Yu Chien Lin
Art Direction: Chi Tai Lin
Graphic Design: Wun Siang Huang
Project Manager: Yu Chien Lin
Client: M.A.D Company

Copyright © 2017 nomo®creative. All rights reserved.
M.A.D Company

Project Made For

M.A.D Company

M.A.D COMPANY | Make A Difference is the main concept from M.A.D Company. M.A.D is a production company which focuses in advertisement, film and Read More
