TEDGlobal 2013

TedGlobal is an annual conference that celebrates human ingenuity by exploring ideas, innovation and creativity from all over the world. The TED team asked us to create a comprehensive visual identity for the TEDGlobal 2013 conference event theme: Think Again. The identity spanned from the program guide, to the schedule, to the signage and truly encompass the entire look and feel of the conference. The goal was to encourage participants to approach old problems from new perspectives while challenging conventional assumptions. I explored this idea by flipping imagery and typography to create new connections, relationships and dualities. Throughout the book and conference I used a vibrant neon pop yellow as an agent of differentiation, championing alternative perspectives and those who present them.

Designed at: Hybrid Design
Creative Direction: Dora Drimalas
Design Direction: Caleb Kozlowski
Design: Mike Andersen

TEDGlobal 2013