Business Summary
Office workers struggle to keep their business shirts from becoming creased, dirty or wet while they walk, jog, cycle or take public transport to work. This presents a conflict between looking professional, a reflection of their ability and credibility, and being able to fulfil their lifestyle choices. Currently, office workers address this problem by coming into work over the weekend with pre-ironed shirts or re-iron them once they arrive. ROLE is a life proof case for your business shirt which allows you to be professional without compromising your lifestyle.

How it works
A freshly ironed shirt is rolled along the core which is then placed within a weather resistant protective shell. Rolling the shirt is smaller, faster, easier and creates less creases then traditional folding techniques. You can wear it over your shoulder, carry it in your hand or put it in your bag while you commute to work. The flat construction means that it can be easily cleaned and stored in a drawer, on a coat hook or under a desk when not in use.

Target Market
ROLE targets office workers with disposable income, aged between 25 - 55, who either walk, jog cycle or take public transport to work, representing an estimated 83,000 people within Wellington alone, with larger markets including America, Europe and Asia.

Following further user testing, we intend to pitch ROLE to an established brand, such as Kathmandu or Swanndri, to gain mentorship toward further development, IP protection and direct access to our target market. We would negotiate exclusivity rights and a profit share in exchange for guidance towards how the product can be refined. ROLE provides a low risk opportunity to engage with a highly unique concept without financial commitment.

Competition and Point of Difference
Currently, Eagle Creek’s Garment Folder is the only product on the market which competes with ROLE. The folder is specifically designed for long distance travel, it stacks up to five shirts within a sleeve which is then placed within a suit case. Unlike ROLE, the folder does not prevent creases from forming or protect the shirts from becoming dirty or wet, nor it is specially designed to meet the needs of office workers.

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