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寫給台灣的情歌 灣聲樂團 室內樂系列One Song chamber music Poster


讓台灣音樂古典化 將古典音樂台灣化

The One Song Orchestra Describes Affection for Taiwan with Musical Sounds
In “Love Letters for Taiwan- Chamber Music Series” 2018, you could enjoy the
different forms of chamber music such like trial, quartet and quintet.

Make Taiwanese Music and Classical Music the Same Thing
Through the music director Li Zheyi's oral introduction and an abundance of music,
people who enjoy music would fall into a romantic relationship with Taiwanese

Poster Design
所以我們的出發點是可以維持一個元素,衍生出其後續的視覺,於是我將『室內』與『台灣』的元素做結合,切割出一塊空間營造出室內與室外的區隔,並用台灣在地的材質去做組合。關於小標題『揪in toghter』,英文的Join可以拆解成揪跟IN,雖然是兩種語言的組合,但很有趣的他唸起來跟原本的意思並沒有太大的差別。邀請大家一起加入(室內)參加這一場寫給台灣的情歌,另外為了做出室內與室外的差別,我特地把室內設計會出現的門的『符號』加入在內。最後『門』、『台灣的材質』、『空間』就是維持這個系列主要的重點,未來因應不同的顏色除了原本的『窗花』、『大理石地磚』還可以衍伸出各種台灣常見的元素(例如:紅磚、抿石子地板、檜木、馬賽克浴缸等等...)。

About the Vision Design of Chamber Music Series
Because the chamber music series of One Song Orchestra only perform songs which are related to Taiwan elements, and will continue to release new episodes instead ofstopping at episode 1, therefore, we would like to select a single element not only for this episode but also episodes in the future by extending and recreating it. This is the reason why I combined the elements of “indoor” and “Taiwan” to cut out a piece of space to emphasize a distinction between indoor and outdoor, what’s more, glue former and latter through using Taiwan’s local materials to make the combination.

In order to make the difference between indoor and outdoor, I intend to include the “symbol” of the door which is frequently used in interior design.

In a nutshell, door, Taiwanese materials, and “space” are the main elements of this series. In the future, in response to different colors, in addition to the original traditional decorations of windows and marble tiles, there are various common elements of Taiwan can be derived.

Dm Design
演出時間 | 2018/02/03 & 2018/02/04  
演出地點 | 誠品表演廳 eslite Performance Hall
演出資訊 | www.onesong.com.tw

客戶 | 灣聲樂團 One Song Orchestra
平面設計 | 羊君 Y_Y_A_N_G
照片攝影 | 廖芷瑄
藝術指導 | 王慶富(品墨設計)
@ PINMO design studio
寫給台灣的情歌 灣聲樂團 室內樂系列One Song chamber music Poster


寫給台灣的情歌 灣聲樂團 室內樂系列One Song chamber music Poster

灣聲樂團 室內樂系列音樂會海報 One Song chamber music
