Michael Zalot sin profil

Vets4Warriors Website Design (2008)

Circa 2008 website design for Vets4Warriors, which is a non-profit psychological counseling service for active-duty military, staffed by veterans.  This version was pre-responsive, and the current site has been redesigned by someone else.  There was about 60-70 hours of work on this version of the site, some of which was negotiating multiple layers of management approval and creative control from the organizations involved.  The branding already existed and the clients desired to keep the existing overall look and feel of the site, however, cleaner versions were created for the project.  The hero image originally had burned-in logos at the bottom corners and there was no original file, so parts of each shirt had to be reconstructed.  This was long before Adobe added spot healing tools to Photoshop, so all the patching was manual, and much was done at the pixel level.
Vets4Warriors Website Design (2008)

Vets4Warriors Website Design (2008)


Kreative områder