Lea Faske's profile

HotG | UI Art Collection

Game Design
Specialty Card Backs
Spell Card Frames
Unit Card Frames
Player Avatars:
Awkward Breakfast | The Best | Ranked
Pumpukin' | Ruderp | Pupresent Kaldr
Pack Quantities: 1 | 2 | 7 | 15 | 40 | 60
Holiday Packs
Login Window (Final Mock)
Daily Quest Popup (Final Mock)
Quest Log (Final Mock)
Deck Select (Final Mock)
Queue Selection (Final Mock)
Leader Ability Icons and Setting
Turn Change Dial
Turn Change Dial Animation (Mock-Up)
Victory Pop-up
Defeat Popup
Results Screen Totem: Results are shown as pop-up, and then slotted into stone setting.
Ranked Badges | 30 ranks total, represented in frame stages with upgrading gem. Wooden Frame 1-5, Stone Frame 6-10, Bronze Frame 11-15, Silver Frame 16-20, Golden Frame 21-25, Platinum Frame 26-30.
HotG | UI Art Collection

HotG | UI Art Collection

Collection of UI Art for Hand of the Gods: Smite Tactics. For this project, I was responsible for art concept, execution, and often layout. Layou Read More
