Holga Cameras
Consider the goal of design
What is it-  120 film toy camera, low cost and vignetting, blur, light leaks, and distortions.
Why this project- This project was assigned because it was helps us look at the photo    itself, forgetting all the technology side.
How does it work-
Back- the back is held in place by the clams on the sides
Lens- the zoom has one person, two people, multiple people, and a montans
Film- to put the film in peel off the tape, then feed it into the spool, then place rest of film on the other side where you have the ability to put the spool in, close back and the wheel on the top keep spinning it, you will see arrows and then numbers, it will take a bit to spin it, then you will see the 1 then stop turning. The film is placed upside down.
Cover on the back- the cover on the back is used how many images you are taking.
What makes it unique- the camera has cracks and the light leaks into it
What special effects have other photographers done using Holga- there is a special lens that can be used to help with the unpredictable light leaks. It is also possible to

My idea is to stick with street photography, I like the look of the light leaks with the film.
1.Stop sign
3.Standing in the middle of the street and blowing smoke up
One of the problems with this is that it is a basic idea 
Select and develop
When i was looking at my film after I developed it and found that they didn't turn out how I liked it. So I took another roll of film I had more ideas I knew when to stop so my film isn't layered on top of each other like it did on the other one.
When I was taking I kept thinking creepy park I tried using that at first but not realizing it. So on my second roll of film I tried just that.

Model and prototype
First Film
Whats wrong with this photo that it have marks on it 
Second Film 
Test and Evaluate
Before- When I was taking the photos I found that I didn't scroll far enough that when I got far enough that the images where layered on top of each other.
After- I found what I can do better was to get what I wanted was to get part of the tree and the park bridge as split and them and blend them like a double exposure. 
Holga Toy Camera
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Holga Toy Camera

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