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Male and Female Pattern Baldness


Male pattern baldness is the something that most of the men are expected. This is the inseparable part of the man's life. Hair loss and hair transplant are the common issues in the men. But we know about the female hair loss problem?
Female Pattern Baldness: Female pattern baldness is the common hair loss problem and has affected the numbers of the women’s worldwide. But it is less common in the male pattern baldness. Female hair loss is not just like the male pattern baldness, there are numbers of the different causes responsible for this problem.

Most of the women do the hairstyles and brushing on the regular basis. This will sometimes lead to the problem of the hair loss. Hair loss in women can be caused by the autoimmune or the genetic factors. In order to cure the female pattern baldness, you can consult best hair transplant centre where the surgeons provide the best hair transplant in India.
What is the difference between the acceptance of the male pattern hair loss and female pattern hair loss?

The major reason is that more of the men experience the hair loss problem in their life. There are lesser numbers of the women who experience the female pattern hair loss.

Male pattern baldness has taken the space on the man’s scalp while women are suffering from the other sort of the hair loss problem.

This is the total misconception that women often have the wigs and extensions. But most of the men often wear the wigs in order to cover or hide the baldness.
Most of the female suffer from the hair loss problems later in the life. But male pattern baldness can also occur at the age of 20 or also in the later phases of life. If you want to look younger, then you will not look at hair loss problem.

Another reason for the Female hair loss is due to the lower level of the DHT in the women’s body. This type of the baldness has been caused by the disturbance in the hormones. This will directly attach to your hair follicles and this will also prevent you from having the healthy and growing hairs. Most of the men have the hormonal problem that’s why they more suffering from the baldness problem and their problem remains untreated. This is the next reason that female has less hair loss problem. Female hair loss is not the looming problem. This has been more caused by the pressure to the hair.
Male and Female Pattern Baldness

Male and Female Pattern Baldness
