Lorena Martinez's profile


Bimonthly Cultural Agendas. Client: EASD
The next project is orientated to create two cultural agendas of Castellon City. The client is the council and asociations from the city.  The peculiarity on this work is we have to think two fresh design for differents kinds of people but maintain the continuity in both publications. One of them is "Transit" it is focusing in young people from 18 till 50 years old, who is interesting in electronic music, contemporary art, theatre on street, and for another hand "Harmonium" focused in people from 30 till 80 years old with events more classics and conventional style.
The numer of inks which is limited to two.
The format closed has to size 130mm*195mm (Horizontal)
Bimonthly publication

Text-based covers are rare in contemporary periodicals, but we opted for a typographic approach, so we can to have an impact os stand out front of other publications. With this publication we have designing a three column grid, so after deconstruct it in diagonals, with this we expect to create contrast but respecting the legibility.
Due to limitation of images (two inks) we tried to emulate halftone digital, at the beginning of chapter the images increases the contrast and visual impact. The rest of images are duotones.

The publication of "Harmonium" is directed to the target more adult, more conservative with a highest purchasing power, for this we used, classic lines, a static grid without constrasts, but keep the style and avant-garde. La jerarquia entre los elementos varia segun los tamaños y los pesos.
Con esta publicacion se pretende llegar a un publico más adulto, mas conservador, por ello se ha utilizado una reticula base rigida en la que se apoyaran los eventos sin grandes contrastes y que la informacion pueda ser encontrada/reconocida facilmente, aun asi pretende ser sofisticado y armonico. El tratamiendo de las imagenes en la publicacion se ha realizado emulando un halftone digital con los Pantone


Editorial project based on two cultural agenda focused in diferrents targets


Creative Fields