A modern take on the traditional coffee shop, Doppio Caffè is an elevated experience where flavor is crucial, sourcing for the highest quality ingredients from around the world.

Established in Riyadh, Doppio serves an array of specialty coffees and in-house baked pastries. To stand out in Saudi Arabia's growing specialty coffee culture, we conceived an identity system that reflects a long-standing coffee brewing tradition, inspired by vintage burlap coffee bags, and introduces a symbol that best represents Doppio's attributes: the Arabian Horse.

Arabian Horse

Arabians are one of the oldest and purest breeds of riding horses. They are fast, enduring, intelligent and, after centuries of close coexistence with humans, loyal and friendly. They are elegant and refined, yet strong and relentless. Just like the Arabian Horse, Doppio is the purebred noble companion that joins you every day.
Special Edition

This line was inspired by the sabino and rabicano color patterns on the Arabian Horses’ coats, that resemble the natural shapes that appear on a foamy cup of coffee.

The result is an organic and distinctive composition with a strong artistic signature —much like the art of brewing coffee.
Doppio Caffè

Doppio Caffè
