The core idea of this study is create a app that helps the user know more about games that he may be interested to buy or know better. Here the user could read a review about the game, see the score and start a buy process. The user also can see some pictures and videos from the game and interact with other user através de um forum social.
This study was made using the screen size and format from the new iPhone X to feel how is work with it.

The first design

With this first study of the app I realized that the content was not fitting well in the card and there was some issues when the user changes the tabs. The card needs to preserve the header area - with the game cover, name and ratting - in the other tabs from the app, to remind the user what is the game that he/she is reading, watching or talking about, and with this card-like view, the cards will have some repeated content, looking repetitive and tiring. So I restart to design it.

The final design

Thanks for watching!

Game Rev

Game Rev

A UI study project.
