The Game of Your Life (Cannes Lions 2013)

The Game of Your Life is an interactive life simulation that allows you to "test drive" your own future. It is an immensive Facebook app that takes over your timeline and records your future for 10 years by letting you pick your own path, make various choices and see the consequences unfold first hand.

It's designed as a digital advertising campaign for OZU, a brand new university in Istanbul, that has no graduates yet to tell their stories.

As oppose to telling the same old superficial tales about the university, we designed an interactive storyteller that would create highly personal, persuasive, consistent and yet unpredictible real life scenarios, positioning each and every player in the leading role, playing “as themselves”.

Here's a brief story of the project that earned many awards, including a Bronze Lion in Cannes 2013, a gold in Clio 2013 and 2 silvers in Golden Drum 2012.

The game has a true open ended design that produces endless paths and possibilities for the user. A tiny variant in the academic/social life balance would let to a completely different outcome. For example, a gastronomy student could end up opening his/her own local cafe, work abroad in a famous restaurant or with a twist of fate, even become a photo journalist travelling the world.

To make this experience believeable, we created over 2.500 photos & videos and over 1.300 mini scenarios, wallposts, comments and status updates

The final package was a reduced subset from a massive library of 6.500 audio/visual material.
Users started their journey by choosing the subject they want to study. As they make various choices, their college life in OZU started to shape with studies, projects, social life, friends, personal relations, summer vacations, internships and every aspect of academic life.

These were all integrated into the player’s timeline through wallposts, picture and video posts, comments, check-ins, likes and status updates, the whole social whirl opened up mirroring life on campus.

The experience was also enriched by the player's social network. All likes, comments and interactions were made by the players' real Facebook friends.

Users not only experience their college life, but also get to see where it leads. Our app generated a continuous timeline stream for five years after graduation.

The individual timelines were saved as video CV’s and went through to the public vote. Top voted timelines were automatically converted into printed CV's by the application and a second election was made by the academic board.

The lucky few were invited to attend in person for a 1 minute ‘all or nothing’ pitch to the academic board, for a 4 year all-inclusive scholarship.
With it’s worldsfirst “future timeline” concept, The Game of Your Life reached 250.000 people and created $2.000.000 worth of earned media coverage.

The university received many students from national top 1000,some of which claimed they would never have considered Ozu, if they haven’tseen the game.

Most important of all, the campaign created a revolution in university selection period, as forthe first time in Turkey, a university chose their students instead of being chosen.

CEO: Alemşah Öztürk
Creative Director: Seren Köroğlu
Art Director: Ufuk Çetincan
Copywriters: İlyas Eralp, Alperen Altınöz, Ahmet Terzioğlu, Volkan Öge
Interface Designer: Emir Anarat
ActionScript Developer: Kağan Çam
Net Developer: Emre Bağcı
Interface Developer: Emre Çakmakçı
Flash Animator: Enis Kılıç
Post Production: Asya Leman Sanıtürk, Doğuş Aslan
Sound Designer: Zeynep Bozok
Project Manager: Gencer Soytemiz
Brand Manager: Mine Pehlivanlı
Technical Directors: Hidayet Bayraktar, Eren Dursun
Social Media Managers: Ali Güracar, Özge Demirbaş
Campaign Manager: Mert Alankaya

The Game of Your Life (Cannes Lions 2013)

The Game of Your Life (Cannes Lions 2013)

An immersive interactive life simulation experience that projects your next 10 years on your Facebook "future timeline".
