A Strong Tradition
One of the first Peace Corps posts in the world, Peace Corps Malawi was established in 1961. Since then there has been a strong tradition of dedicated service from volunteers across the years that have pledged to provide expert knowledge to the country of their service, share American culture with the people of Malawi, and share Malawian culture with the people of America. As a post, Peace Corps Malawi has chosen to feature the hard work and grit of it's volunteers to continue attracting resilient volunteers that will continue Peace Corps Malawi's strong tradition of service. 
I served as the Media Specialist for the Communications Committee at Peace Corps Malawi producing videos, podcasts, and photos for reports, enhance training, and to share the Peace Corps experience. I worked on the point man for all video projects at Peace Corps Malawi during my tenure. I led the development of the Kuno Ku Malawi series, I Am Peace Corps Malawi series, and Dare to Try series. I also initiated the Media Marathon, a crash course for volunteers to learn video production.
Highlighting Hospitality
A contest entry finalist for the Peace Corps Week Video Contest open to all Peace Corps Volunteers across the world. Educational, entertaining, and immersive, this video really captures the welcoming spirit of the Warm Heart of Africa.
Fathers play a crucial role in how their sons and daughters perceive themselves and their development as individuals. In line with the U.S. State Departments #DadsandDaughters campaign, I wanted to share the challenges that girls face in Malawi and show how dads have played a role in overcoming those challenges. 
Kuno Ku Malawi: International Day of the Girl
The life of a Peace Corps Volunteer has never been closer. Video transports you across the world to discover people and cultures you could only imagine. The Kuno Ku Malawi series takes you into the adventures and projects volunteers tackle on a daily basis revealing life through their lens. 
More Works from Peace Corps Malawi
Peace Corps Malawi

Peace Corps Malawi
