Haunted House
The entire project I used the pen tool. Proving that I now know how to use it better I did in the last projects. I wasn't aware I could use other tools so thats why some of the pumpkins look a little odd. By the end of this project I learned that the pen tool I could create many curves and shapes. The most challenging part of this project had to have been trying to create a mood and still being creative with it. Since I did trace some of the objects in this project it was harder to make it my own. Also since I just started using pen tool it was hard to make certain curves because it would just loop over each other and look odd. I think I was most successful at putting detail into the house and using the pen tool to create objects not just lines. I could have improved this project by being more creative and adding more objects that make the image look overall spooky.
Haunted House

Haunted House


Sectores creativos