Muja is a product from porcelain to serve and drink Jamu (Indonesian traditonal beverage herbal medicine) in 4 or 5 star hotel with buffet service. The type of Jamu is served with this product in powder sachet because jamu in sachet is more guarantee in dosage, hygiene, size, and taste. This product contains cup, saucer, pot (for honey and lemon water), and storage for jamu sachet.
~The Lady of Hawker Jamu with her Bakul
Bakul is a container to bring bottles of jamu made from plait rattan or bamboo, the upper shape is round and bottom is square. The Lady is using a shawl to carry a bakul and walk to sell jamu for people. I'm using this part of jamu icon (bakul and shawl) to inspire my design. So I'm exploring the shape with sketching.
Then I choose bakul for inspiration for designing. So this is a transformation shape from bakul to cup. I'm using the cup shape for guide to design saucer, pot, and storage.
Final Design in 3D Modelling 
Thanks watching mine!
Jamu set

Jamu set

Jamu set from porcelain ceramic
