We were tasked with designing a solution to a chosen issue with consideration to the 'Five Ways Of Wellbeing'. After thorough research into our chosen audience, 25-45 year old business workers in Wellington CBD, our team came to the provocation of: 
How might we facilitate humour on city streets to encourage unexpected and fun moments of connection that reduce stress? 
Our response was Hi-Five Week, a wellbeing campaign that disrupts routine, relieves tension, and facilitates quick spontaneous interactions that lighten moods. The campaign provides the opportunity for the audience to shift their moods in the form of a hi-five which conveys support and encouragement, and reduces stress. 
A lead-on project from Stress Less – The Sidewalk Dilemma
Dossier / Research Video
The research behind the project
The blog for this project can be found here: https://georgiahannahfarrenwellbeing.blogspot.co.nz/
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Experience Design

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