"Forbidden delights"
This is my first attempt at creating some organic art! I initially came across this amazing artwork couple of years ago on pintrest. I immediately fell in love with the concept, and the overall feel of the artwork, and knew that i had to make my own interpretation in the form of of a 3d rendering.

The title for this artwork “Forbidden delights” signifies that all beautiful things have a hidden danger and that all beauty has a hidden price!!
Reference and inspiration...

The original reference, was painted by the talented artist Janae N. Corrado which was titled “Drip”, and was an oil painting on wood! She also goes by the alias “bohemianchaos” and has many more amazing artwork in her gallery. Please find her on her website www.janaecorrado.com

Making of ...

This project was a labour in love and thus went through many changes during it's life. As with all personal projects this project evolved a lot during its development and resulted in quite a bit of rework.

My heartfelt thanks goes out to...

I must thank a few people who helped me bring this project into fruition. Firstly Janae Corrado for making the magnificent piece of art without which this artwork wouldn't have come to being!. Secondly our vfx supervisor and boss Juan Paulo Mardonez for all the guidance and help he rendered towards this project, and finally Roberto Miranda and Dulanka Devinda for assistance with color correction and anatomy...
Forbidden Delights

Forbidden Delights

"Forbidden Delights!"
