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RIMOWA Electronic Tag

RIMOWA Electronic Tag

The race for the pole position in the smart class: the aviation and travel industries have been seeking solutions for efficient and convenient baggage handling for years. At the start of 2016, the luggage manufacturer RIMOWA launched the first digital system with which passengers can check in their luggage using fingerprints and smart devices and thus drop it at the airport in a matter of seconds. We are shaping the brand identity of the global innovation that is the RIMOWA Electronic Tag.
App development and interface design

Check in luggage from anywhere via a smart device and drop it at the airport in a matter of seconds? It’s now a reality thanks to the RIMOWA Electronic Tag. In the near future, passengers will even be able to use the app to arrange for their luggage to be collected from their homes and delivered directly to the hotel. We are supporting T-Systems in the development of the RIMOWA Electronic Tag app.
Brand Design

The RIMOWA Electronic Tag is creating a new, smart travel experience for passengers. No paper. No queuing. Along with the brand identity, we are also developing a strong symbol to go with it. This new symbol for digital travel with luggage is a valuable aid in the establishment of the RIMOWA Electronic Tag as a global standard for this technology.
RIMOWA Electronic Tag

RIMOWA Electronic Tag

Rimowa Electronic Tag
