Zee Cinema - Channel Design

The team at Zee approached us with the challenge to help them reassert their brand promise - "Movies. Masti. Magic." - and dial up their magic and masti quotient. The team at Dynamite Design took up the task to define a clear visual identity for Zee Cinema that would fit well with their overhauled roster of channels.
We reimagined Zee Cinema's 'portal device' and instead used 'light' (and its movement) as the primary visual device. We extended the new visual device of light across our visual language and delivered an updated look, rich colour palette and vibrant studio environments for the on air packaging. These designs were seamlessly translated onto the off-air branding as well.
Zee Cinema - Channel Design

Zee Cinema - Channel Design

Defining a clear visual identity for Zee Cinema that brings the movies, masti and magic to life!
