Truisms is about beliefs made tangible. Without any physical manifestation, how real can our conviction be? Are our beliefs still valid if we do not express them in our daily lives?
Let's not stop at just thinking. Express our beliefs boldly and act them out in our lives.

This project employs paper cutting and craft to design a new "typeface", EMERGE, which is subsequently used to construct the series of large format 3D installations titled Truisms.

EMERGE brings out a sense of boldness by transforming a flat piece of paper into a dynamic three-dimensional structure. Its tangibility gives physical substance and weight to our words and thoughts, expressing things that are silent yet loud, and hidden yet evident.

The Truisms installations express statements that one often believes to be true, and yet also forgets or ignores. More than just statements, the installation represents one's decision to solidify their conviction and take the first step to take action and follow through their beliefs.
Truisms in the exhibition How to Be A Human Being According to The Millenials at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts.
Note: All the works featured in this image, apart from Truisms installation, belong to other designers participating in this exhibition.


Truisms is about beliefs made tangible. Without any physical manifestation, how real can our conviction be? Are our beliefs still valid if we do Se mer
