Of Donkeys and Basilisks
Low Tec Prototyping and the Process of Design

mostlikely participated in the Vienna Design Week 2012 with a reconstruction of the Viennese Basilisk, a legendary creature.
It is composed of exactly 360 complex, individual parts. Those consist of a total of 3780 different, two dimensional paperforms. And those, again, are glued together on 22680 folds.
Low tech prototyping – by applying this method in a manic manner we succeeded to create something delirious.

In order to make the design and productionprocess visible, the Basilisk was built publicly during the vienna design week. At the last day of the festival the finished Basilisk was inaugurated in an audiovisual performance which was conceived by mostlikely and optical engineers. The projections were attuned to the form of the Basilisk and the sound composition.

Paper Basilisk

Paper Basilisk

mostlikely participated in the Vienna Design Week 2012 with a reconstruction of the Viennese Basilisk, a legendary creature. It is composed of ex 자세히 보기
