Jacob Palmborgs profil

DUBS Acoustic Filters

DUBS Acoustic Filters
When Doppler Labs set out to create a new type of earplug, music lovers and concert goers had few desirable options to protect their hearing. Early user research made it clear that most concert goers recognize the need to protect their ears yet don't find traditional earplugs appealing. They look awkward and muffle the sound when going to a concert should be about enjoyment, socializing and being present. 

The design of the DUBS aims to set a new standard for what music ear protection should look and feel like. A product that is proud about what it is and what it can do and that is ready to go with you wherever the night may take you.

DUBS Acoustic Filters

DUBS Acoustic Filters

Design strategy and Industrial Design for DUBS - Acoustic Filters


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