Nastro (for kids)

The modular components of play space

Section : undecided (Nastro can be anything for kids)

Material : high elastic sponge, marble sponge, canvas

Lee Byeongju 

Nastro came from the idea of diverse utilization of cylinder shape. Cylinder shape can have much usability depending on how and where it is placed, also can be easily made by being rolling a sheet of something. These two characteristics(transformable and diverse utilization) mean if users want to use Nastro in many kinds of ways, it also can be a potential unit. So for kids, Nastro will be used not as only a mat, but also a chair, table, a cushion. It can be anything for kids.
Material & Structure
Use of high elastic sponge and marble sponge
To make this cylinder shape has a bearing capacity in each direction, two types of sponges are used. High elastic sponge is literally highly elastic and resilient, but it’s too soft to support cylinder shape in height direction. So, 3 sheets of sponges are used. One is marble one in the middle and two the others are high elastic one in the outside. So it can be structurally sturdy, but soft outside.

