FKF -'s profile

Pay tribute to Banksy


In fact, my inspiration to go on the road, many people do not know what is in front of the building, recently some foreign created super stick, and then thought before going to work on, in fact, have not done, I'm afraid my painting is not enough, the super bright is actually behind the school the art and design of the road to do a test, spray two times, and then in front of the road there are many people in the play, and there is wind, so the effect is not very good


I think meaningful things I do, I'm happy, I enjoy
美术与设计学院=School of fine arts and design

This is the road behind the Department of Fine Arts
This is the road in front of the art department. It's sprayed later, so it's not ideal
This is the logo that we walked in, and I took it, scanned it, and cut it off
A total of 13.8 yuan, about 2.9 dollars,

In China,it costs meal, 
what about the United States?
Pay tribute to Banksy

Pay tribute to Banksy
