Bruna A. Imai's profile

CICLOPE 2012 | Opening

This film, made at Vetor Zero/Lobo was a opening of the 2012 Ciclope Festival, a worldwide event that honors the best craft skills in the advertising industry. The spot takes place in a surrealistic submarine ecosystem, inhabited by flora and fauna entirely made of inanimate objects like feathers, party balloons, plush fabric and other materials.

At the preproduction step, we researched those materials, dipping all sorts of objects in water in order to select the ones that yielded the most interesting results, at the same time making concepts based on these experiments. We build a wide range of creatures and landscapes, resembling the movements and concepts of fish, sea anemones, corals, jellyfish etc. All those elements were animated by hand, using nylon wire and clear glass rods, inside a 70 cubic feet aquarium, while concealed hoses swirled the water simulating underwater currents. The images were shot along 4 days using 5D and Iconix waterproof cameras, resulting in over 2 hours of raw footage.

The outcome was supposed to be a poetic, representation of one of the cornerstones of human creativity: the conception of an ideia, the process of our mind until we achieve the moment of inspiration.
At the beginning of the project, I proposed to divide the movie 4 moments:

Moment 1 | Sensation – The first moment represents the “primitive” sensations, the first and most pure information/sensations that inputs in our mind at the moment of an experience. There are colors, lights, movements, flavors and touch feeling that come into our mind without no filters (thoughts).
Moment 2 | Consciousness – Represents the moment that we start to understand and recognise the sensations felt at the Moment , adding a meaning for it. These are the sensations stored in our mind and memory wich stay inert until be activated in some situation.
Moment 3 | Mutation – Represents the moment we start to “create”. We active the experiences (characters) and stored sensations that start to transform, modify, mutate and interact themselves for one direction.
Moment 4 | Inspiration – Represents the moment of the inspiration, the “Eureka”, when everything come clear to our mind. Explosion of sensations and feelings moving in a coordinated movement, producing what we call “the moment of inspiration”.

Below, the MAKING OF of the project:

CICLOPE 2012 | Opening

CICLOPE 2012 | Opening
