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2018 Chinese almanac : the illustration of incompatible food combinations


The illustrations, also known as the food poisoning diagrams, teach the public in a graphic way what food combination causes poisoning and how to detoxify. They are commonly found on the back cover of farmers’ almanac in Taiwan. It is said that they appeared as early as the Japanese rule period in Taiwan, and many of them have proved with evidence to be almost entirely superstitions or misinformation of erroneous causal relationships or caused by improper preservation and cooking methods. 

The illustration has long been a sense of retro and nostalgia in the minds of the general public. The creation project attempts to re-create it through hand-painted illustrations, and match them with the appropriate font style so that the vision can retain the retro style.

起 源

The illustration has long been a sense of retro and nostalgia in the minds of the general public. The creation project attempts to re-create it through hand-painted illustrations, and match them with the appropriate font style so that the vision can retain the retro style.
The sincere and straightforward illustration style in the table is impressive, and the original illustrator cannot be found. It is hoped that in the way of re-creating the illustrations, the original information content can be retained, to make the original drawing more exquisite; finally, be applied to various cultural and creative products.

Farmers' Almanac
The farmers’ almanac is the reference book of lunar terms and daily life of the agricultural society. It is the experiences and observations of Chinese culture handed down through history. After thousands of years of compilation and enrichment of various contents, it is now completed and circulated. It also includes the food poisoning illustration attached to the back cover. 

創 作 過 程
Drawing line 

I used the brush pen to draw the outline of objects with the tracing board.
Scan to the computer
Color each one in photoshop
Final illustration  
illustration for commercial application

Project Made For


食物相剋中毒圖解,又稱食物相剋中毒圖表,是以圖解的方式教導民眾,相剋的是哪些食物,以及該怎麼解毒。一般常見於農民曆的封底,或印在寄藥包的袋子上。據知臺灣早在日治時期就已經出現了,許多最後證明幾乎全是迷信或錯誤因果關係之以訛傳訛,或者保鮮以及料理方式不當所致。 食物相剋圖在一般大眾的心中早已 Read More
