Salient is the magazine of the Victoria University of Wellington Students’ Association. Founded in 1938 by a bunch of crazy kids who wanted to challenge the conservative and parochial orthodoxy on campus, we’ve been chugging out reasoned, seasoned and informed copy ever since. Well, at least an alternative source of free toilet paper.

Our 48-page weekly magazine covers a wide range of issues relevant to students and the wider public, from current events to public profiles, domestic and international politics, opinion and a wide range of arts.
First spread and political section.
News section—the year in news.
Feature section—this issue does not have a theme, each article is unrelated. Therefore a restricted colour palette, repetitive use of the triangle and heading styles are used to define each article while maintaining an overall consistency throughout the issue.
A range of different illustration styles are used throughout the issues of Salient—this is an example of a hand-made collage.
Columns are an important part of the student magazine. To ensure visual interest the look of the column sections changes throughout the year—to better encapsulate the writers individual style while maintaining an overal conformity.
This issue plays hommage to the triangle. Used throughout the year in the Salient logo and appearing in many of the issue—here it plays an important part to ensure variety through the unrelated articles while ensuring each page comes from the same magazine.
More of the feature section.
The Arts section uses a more contemporary feel to suggest up-to-date and relevant information that students would be interested in.
Salient Issue 24

Salient Issue 24

Salient Magazine Issue 24 | October 15th 2012 | Vol. 75 | 72pp | Theme: Finalient (final issue of the year) “Send out, Salient, the swift satiric Read More
