Jason Perelson's profileNatalie van der Rijt's profile

You are ANU | Australian National University

Building the legacy of the game changer
You Make Us Australia's National University | Commercial Source: YouTube

In order to drive students to enrol at ANU, the university needed to showcase just how their students make them Australia’s National University. As part of the campaign they needed to extend the reach of a traditional media campaign to engage students on platforms they enjoy communicating on. With an ad that would play in cinema across Canberra and Sydney, we knew the campaign needed something special to showcase the diverse experiences at ANU.
As ANU had already bought media prior to the campaign strategy and creative being developed, because of tight deadlines. Zoo Group had to work within the bounds of the plan to develop a way for the target audience to engage with this advertising on a deeper level, through something a little bit more creative. By using a mirror feature on traditional bus shelter ads, students could see themselves in the advertising - in line with the campaign positioning. This was then echoed through on-campus bathroom advertising during O-Week, an exciting, new cinema commercial and visual style through-the-line, alongside 24 individualised, custom geo-fenced Snapchat filters running during Open Day.
The campaign garnered great results, seeing a 27% increase in web traffic, and a 16% increase in student applications from the Outer ACT catchment. Moreover, the campaign saw an overall increase of 5.4% to enrollments compared to the same time last year. The Open Day activation saw great results for positive brand awareness, with the Snapchat geofilters drawing over 19 000 views in a few hours.
Agency: Zoo Group
Executive Creative Director: Bassem Sabry
Head of Digital: Jason Perelson
Senior Art Director: Natalie van der Rijt
Senior Graphic Designer: Dinah Pollard
Copywriter: Jason Perelson

Production: Screencraft
Photography: Adam McGrath

Director of Marketing: Elizabeth Ryley
Assistant Director of Marketing: Christine Scott
You are ANU | Australian National University

You are ANU | Australian National University

Building, and augmenting the brand identity and strategy for the game changing, pioneering new direction for the Australian National University b Read More
