“If your action inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more
you are a leader” — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS

Running a marathon is simple in theory. You set your intention, come up with a plan then start running regularly to train. It’s pretty simple – but it’s not easy. Being a great leader is theoretically simple. You need vision, alignment, and execution. But the application of these three aspects is often NOT easy. What separates a good leader from a good marathon runner is that a leader can never accomplish things alone. By its very definition, leadership involves others – usually many others. 

It's very important - in fact, vital - for a leader to do individual work to help remove blind spots and to take advantage of growth opportunities in service of their vision and team.

Within an organization, there’s nothing as powerful as a cohesive team. It’s usually the leader that sets the tone and keeps things on track. This makes the leadership role a vital one.

It can seem daunting when some things just don’t seem to work. We may feel like we’re doing everything right – but something often intangible may be off. Often times, this is attributable to one’s leadership style. 

So, In quest of my own leadership style, I illustrated the most prevalent attributes of leadership in me (hierarchy-wise), in an abstract form which overall depicts the mood of my personality.
Leadership form

Leadership form



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