Perfil de Cheyenne Butter

Alternating figure/ground

Project 4 alternating figure/ ground-
you really needed to get up close and personal, with your objects. The image below is a piece of a telescope. Yet the image is almost unrecognizable, for about half is in whit and half is in black. Which is the purpose, because you don't know wethers it is the figure or the background. I then used this to created patterns. By switching the black an the white I could create the third complicated pattern and have a more complicated grid. Finally I played with a little color to give it a little flair. 
I added colors that I really tried showing off the design. Also you are able to see lots of overlapping with colors being added, which I liked a lot. 
To view more of my process click here to see my drop mark.
Alternating figure/ground
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Alternating figure/ground

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