1 / Needs : a wireless remote.
Sometimes workers have to face to many tasks in the same time. By example: they are in their working zone, and suddenly they have to stop the emergency alarm in another one. This is a safety point.  If the remote was wireless they could both stop the alarm and continue to work. They could also start a long cycle in advance or control the crane coming. That's a great way to improve work efficiency ! Workers should be able to anticipate some actions of their machines...and we could also imagine they control several machines with only one remote ! That's why this new industrial remote has to improve mobility of  workers in factory.  

2 / Strategy : plug and play
Customers needs are evolving. That's why I imagined a plug and play system. Power drill battery and camera lens are my inspiring sources to imagine this system. The plug-in offer is composed of  compact battery or longuest life battery. Workers can also transform the remote as a dashboard with a dock and an articulated arm to fixed on a machine or a forklift.​​​​​​​



Wireless remote for industrial application
