Project Brief

Taking a que from some of my favorite designers, I undertook a challenge of time management and creativity, creating a different poster everyday for 50 days while I traveled back and forth between Boise Idaho, L,A California, and San Francisco. Instead of journaling, I took to writing small quotes or ideas in my head on sticky notes and then attaching them to my wall. My current bedroom has 142 (I just counted) sticky notes surrounding my workstation and my drawing desk. For these posters, I took one sticky note and then illustrated a 11x17 poster using my illustration and typesetting skills. Here are a few of them.
I wanted to create a way for anyone wanting to view my poster to interact with the work. The simplest way to do this was to have the user drag it around and for the work to stack on top of each other. I use layering in  my work a lot so I wanted the interaction to match this theme.

The user is presented with this blank screen and after a few seconds, if no click happens, the work will start appearing on its own.

A simple prompt updated every day saying:
“I am on poster # X”
As the user clicks, the work shows up at random on the screen. If moused over, the work changes the users cursor to a cross, indicating that the image can be dragged around the screen. Once “grabbed” the image will become opaque and move to the top most Z-level, stacking above  all the other work on the screen.

I spent a long time trying to write my own functions to track z levels and then realized Jquery does it natively. Always read documentation!

I wanted to make each viewing different and unique for the user, and give them the ability to interact with the chaos of the appearing images.

Posters May - July


Posters May - July

Series of posters and an interactive web application to display them
