Enzo Triolo's profile

Il ponte tra i mondi | book cover

Elio Lupo, master of martial arts and independent researcher, has studied the ancient Toltec tradition for 35 years. His journey, started with the books of the famous Carlos Castaneda, led him to draw to the purest shamanic tradition of the center of America. 
Unexpectedly, the interweaving of coincidences and casual encounters led him to find a new key to understanding the strange world to which his masters began it. Writing his training as a will for those who will come and message to his travel companions is his "war challenge" as he himself said, a challenge that will try to deal with the carefree and deadly seriousness he breathes in the desert walks described by Carlos Castaneda.
From the book:
This living, trying to focus all his attention at every single moment, knowing that he can not hold it in any way, produces a sort of melancholy bitterness. The words of the Mexican master still echoed in my emotions.
«I see you are finally starting to see something that will always follow you from now on» Don Nestor told me.
«You will feel it in the chirping of birds, in the waves of the sea, in the perfume of the flowers, in the fusion of a cat. You will see it in the light of the stars, in the colors of a rainbow, in the smile of a child. It's all virtual, passing, ephemeral, like our too short life. We are microscopic sand grains of an endless deserted beach that soon wind will take away and dissolve into nothingness.»

© Caliel Edizioni, 2017
The writer had from the very beginning the idea well-founded  to ideally combine the reality of the Toltec, and hence the Mexican landscape with his homeland, Sicily. Two worlds distant miles away, joined by a delicate rope bridge.
The chromatic palette used to reproduce much of Castaneda's production, with predominant colors such as yellow ocher, red, orange, and blue tones.
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Il ponte tra i mondi | book cover


Il ponte tra i mondi | book cover

Cover design for a book for the italian publisher Caliel Edizioni. A book about the Toltec culture and the link between Mexico and Sicily.
