"Si no lleva anchoa, no es Almau"

ES// Bodegas Almau es un establecimiento situado en el zaragozano barrio del Tubo. Un bar con historia (fundado en1870), mítico para los de aquí y parada obligatoria para cualquiera que se quiera tomar un buen vino y una tapa de anchoa. Y es que las anchoas son su plato estrella: 
Con vinagre, Garum, Dulce, rociada con Cazalla, Reina, Angelita... 


EN// Bodegas Almau is a bar located in Zaragoza. A popular and historical place (It was founded in 1870). It's well-known for everybody in the city and a necessary stop for anyone who wants to taste a delicious anchovy and a good wine. In fact the anchovies are the most popular tapa:
With vinegar, Garum, Sweet, Cazalla, Queen, Angelita ...

Anchoas a la carta

Anchoas a la carta

This is a food illustration work. I had the chance to illustrate the most popular tapa in Bodegas Almau,a popular bar located in Zaragoza, Spain. Mehr anzeigen
