The concept comes from the Landscape of the Hyper-real.  Vast pits rise from the negative space to create conical, cartoon like, mountains of manmade waste. The ground is sheer white, the cliffs and landforms exaggerated by romantic lithographs as touristic propaganda. Come to Carclaze, the largest open cast mine in the world!  But it is not truth, the landscape morphs and changes as more is extracted and displaced. An evolving economy defines what is mined: copper to tin to china clay, but now the workings lie in decay. Nature starts to take over the unworked and dormant mine, metal rusts, machine dug pits erode and layers of industry dissolve. Entropy takes hold as order turns to chaos, returning to the neutral position. Out of a brutal, labour and energy intensive process comes a beautiful landscape – The peaks become landmarks and icons now lush and green.
Habitat Carclaze

Habitat Carclaze

