Perfil de Lin Kopu

Cancer Resource Center & First-Visit Center, NTUHCC

Cancer Resource Center, NTUHCC
Service Design, 2016
Cathie Wu(Lead), Chia Cheng Liu, and Zito Tseng ; 
Journey graphic by Hazel Yang 
Animation by Luckysparks


Cancer Resource Center(CRC) is a support unit in hospitals, which is providing holistic health care(including body,soul, spirit and community) for those who are suffering from cancer. We visited different healthcare and medical organizations in Hong Kong and Singapore, such as Maggie's(HK), HKACS(HK), KTPH(SG) and CGH(SG) to plan a whole new service model in the new cancer center (open in 2018).
癌症資源中心的主要角色將扮演一個關鍵的橋樑,就像是個實體的protal site般的角色,每位病患在不同的階段進入癌症資源中心時,都能適時地獲得在這個階段所適合的資訊與輔助資源。
A new character of CRC is proposed: for cancer patients and families, CRC must connects cancer patients to each other. When cancer patients and families need different resources and information, CRC makes a chance that providing a place for every support groups; in other words, CRC will become a physical portal site in the future.  
CRC is opened for everyone, so the space will be used in different purposes. We used the depth of the space to create a natural filter to separate people from public to privacy uses. In the outer area, people can take a rest or find some information about cancer care; in the middle area, supporting groups can hold different lecture classes or activities such as study groups, yoga and training for caring skills; in the inner area, it provides some crying room for mental health consultations, wiggery & breast forms... or just for someone who wanna relaxing for minutes.
Fisrt-Visit Center, NTUHCC
Service Design, 2016
Cathie Wu(Lead), Chia Cheng Liu, and Zito Tseng ; Journey graphic by Hazel Yang

When stepping in the hospital for the first time, cancer patients always feel anxious and scared because of the threat of death, suffering from diseases and perturbation. The first-visit experience of hospital become the key of the whole service journey that it will build the positive confidence for cancer patients and their families (or destroy lol). We cooperated with the Nursing Department of NTUH to find the potential problems and needs, and we proposed a new First-Visit Center(FVC) service plan in the new cancer center.
Cancer Resource Center & First-Visit Center, NTUHCC

Cancer Resource Center & First-Visit Center, NTUHCC


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