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A Guide to Wang Da Hong’s Architecture

 這本是沈睡在我書架上已久的書籍,在剛開始製作書籍的階段時,並沒有想製作它的想法,或許 是因為這本書本身就已經設計得非常好看,加上設計者又是我欣賞的前輩,但我也有我想表達的 語言,這才選定了我的第8 件作品設定。此作品的排版與原書籍沒有太大差異,多出來的是採用 木條企圖排列側視圖概念圖像的中正紀念堂,我明白王大閎本人並不喜歡此件被修改過的作品, 但對後人來說,這的確是多數人心中的代表作,若以客觀的角度,這是在不自覺的時空中漸漸形 成的事實。 

 A Guide to Wang Da Hong’s Architecture 
This book has been lying on my book shelf for a long time. At first, I didn’t want to use it as one of my recreation works. Perhaps it’s because it’s a well designed cover already and I also admire the author. However, I still recreate it because I want to express my feelings about this book. I didn’t change much on the layout, but tried to put sticks onto the cover on the image of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. It’s still his representative work in many people’s mind despite it’s been edited by the producer.  
我想以觀者的角度來一一解構包含在創作中的幾點核心重點。從創作為何是書開始,到理念與素 材的理由。對於創作的起點我明白該善用學生的優勢創作,在現階段的創作是自由的,更該天馬 行空,這階段的我不必擔心材質的侷限、複製作業時的可能性、與作品本身對市場接受度的檢驗 ,能夠排除這些條件以外的身份創作是我目前最大的幸福,原因在於我的創作若歸類為設計還真 的不是個好設計,不方便量產製作,視覺的主觀性強烈,還有待市場檢驗,但若以藝術品來分別 ,又太過擁有設計感。所以我的結論是利用設計把書本封面當作藝術品製作,設計的領域裡我採 用較多材質變化搭配文字編排,藝術領域裡我以手工製作近半立體的作品搭配。換言之也可說是 把平常最常見的複製品製作成獨一無二的藝術品,這樣的創作方式我認為也直接正式的昇華“書 ”的價值,原因在於市面上的書本設計考慮到的基本因素之一在於方便量產,在可以大量生產的 前提下,也使得印刷品顯得較為廉價,但對書本以在創作藝術品精雕細琢的態度呈現的話,雖然 世上僅有唯一一本,卻是價值連城,但前提在於實驗性的重要,否則這樣創作其實也直接扼殺書 本為傳播性的本質。 

A Monologue about My Work
Here I want to say that I’m actually very lucky. My works are hardly good ones in terms of designing. They are not easy to put into mass production and I don’t know if they would ever hit  the  market.  They  are  not  completely  art works  either.  As  art  works  they involve too many elements of designing. However, the advantage, I think, of being a college student  is  that,  we  should  let our imagination fly. I don’t have to use certain materials or worry about the difficulty of mass production  and  the  acceptability  of the market. Without these constraints, I try to turn an ordinary book cover into a handmade art work. In the  designing  part,  I  put different materials along with different cover layouts. In the artistic part, I turn a flat cover into a tree-dimensional  work.  By  doing so, a usual replication is turned into one of a kind which directly adds up some values to it.
理念與素材的理由 我的個人創作基於市面上現有的書籍,目的為了表達自己的創作手法與向原作者致敬。

Concepts and the choice of materials My works are basically based on existing books to show my own expression and to pay tribute to the original authors. 
A Guide to Wang Da Hong’s Architecture

A Guide to Wang Da Hong’s Architecture

A Monologue about My Work Here I want to say that I’m actually very lucky. My works are hardly good ones in terms of designing. They are not easy Read More
