This Inktober 2017,
I attempted to interpret each 'word of the day'
from my personal diary dialogues.
Here is the 1st 10 of them.
[project divided into 3 parts]

DAY 21
Title: Furious
Behind every rage, is great fear
DAY 22
Title: Trail
Getting washed down with my own trail of chaotic thoughts

DAY 23
Title: Juicy
The spread of juicy gossips

DAY 24
Title: Blind
Blind is not someone looking for his way
DAY 25
Title: Ship
The big ship sank, the tiny boat came to rescue.

DAY 26
Title: Squeak
Squeaks the mice- "hickery dickery dock, the mice is caught between the clocks"

DAY 27
Title: Climb
Everyone has these days...'How much further up to go'
DAY 28
Title: Fall
Some jumped out unaware, some fell by chance, some r yet to decide..
DAY 29
Title: United
United we eat the flags between us
DAY 30
Title: Found
Found from Pandora's box, the secret is never to take things too seriously.
Though one needs to seriously work hard to imbibe that fact.

DAY 31
Title: Mask
Mask is the face you secretly wished you had
Inktober 2017 (part 3)


Inktober 2017 (part 3)

The month i spent meditating with ink, when my nights were far from sleepy.
