Rabiatul Adawiyah Mudim Haji Amran 的个人资料

Identity Theft | Emotional Awareness Video

Identity theft is considered as one of the social issues in Brunei and has a need to raise a public awareness about it. Through the completion of this project of creating a short 30 seconds emotional advert video, it is hoped that an awareness about Identity Theft can be raised to the public about the occurrence of this particular cyber-crime in Brunei.
Identity theft occurs when someone steals personal information of another person such as their name, identity card number or credit card number so that they can pretend to be that someone else. This is usually done in order to gain access to finances, get medical benefits, to avoid the police, or to commit other crimes.

In Brunei, there are three different forms of Identity Theft:

1) The creation of fake social media of an original person that is used to post status or pictures that may humiliate the original person.

2) The suspicious activity of financial transaction from either online shopping or use of credit card that steals the person’s money.

3) The approach from suspicious call or email that wanted the person to disclose their personal information to them.
Hasyimah is busy checking her phone and had to leave the place immediately but she didn’t realise her wallet was left behind. A passer-by saw it and pick the wallet up but stole her credit card before returning the wallet back to Hasyimah.

A few days later, Hasyimah received some letters that contain billing letters from water and electric companies, as well as a statement of account for her bank account balance. She puts the letters on a coffee table and sits on a sofa to make herself relax a bit.

Hasyimah take out the letter for her statement of account first to have a look at her bank account balance. Her eyes suddenly largened when she saw a perfect zero on the balance of her bank account. A “miscellaneous charges” with a grand total of over $700 was used out from her bank account and Hasyimah knows nothing about it. A mixed feeling of being clueless, furious and panic developed as she scans the letter again and again.

Meanwhile, the passer-by, who turns out to be an identity thief any steal many other people identities, has used Hasyimah’s money luxuriously to buy expensive gadgets for his own.
(NOTE: The emotional advert video will be posted here at a later date.)
Identity Theft | Emotional Awareness Video

Identity Theft | Emotional Awareness Video

