Adam Williamss profil

UX Interactive Presentation

UX Interactive Presentation
Presentations are key when meeting new prospective clients because they give you the opportunity to showcase a lot of information in a small, quick way. Everyone has seen a  powerpoint presentation and they can be a bit dull or laborious, so why not improve the user interactivity with a bespoke, interactive presentation that gives you the ability to show selective information aimed at each of the potential clients.

Below gives you an process I went through to produce one of these presentations. It starts with a simple sketch and wire-frame of how I envisage it will look and how it will work. I then set up the slides and created a prototype of the interactivity. The key to a good presentation that holds a lot of information is that the final product needs to look simple (which you can see from the prototype, it is anything but simple!). You can see a short snippet of the final presentation at the bottom of this post. 
UX Interactive Presentation

UX Interactive Presentation

UX Interactive Presentation
