This was my 3rd attempt at doing Inktober, in what happened to me my busiest period at work. Previously I'd never got past 16 days so I was hell-bent on crossing the line this year. When I got started, I wanted to take a narrative approach to each day and I didn't have more than the start or the end and that it needed to be a route through the city.
It quickly became clear that there were parallels between this hooded character's journey to his goal and my challenge to complete Inktober for the first time and it was this that drove the story forward.  
Day 1 - See the gauntlet for the playground it is.
Day 2 - Where not all that blocks your path is obstacle...
Day 3 - ...and clear paths are not always that simple.
Day 4 - You can't always move in the shadows...
Day 5 - ...And even the shadows will betray you at times. 
Day 6: There will be distractions. Some can be left till later... 
Day 7: ...Some you'd do well to steer clear of...
Day 8: ...and then there are those that just can't be avoided...
Day 9: (continued)
Day 10: (continued)
Day 11: The harder you push, the more the world conspires to break you...
Day 12: ...And break you it will...
Day 13: ...Or at least it will try... 
 Day 15:  "@*!$!! Don't hit me, hit the kid!!"
               "I can't! He's too quick!"
              "Owe!! What the @*!# is going on!?!?!?!?" 
Day 16: "I told you this was a bad idea!"
             "Just shut-up and help me...
                                                         Goddamnit, he's heavy..."
Day17: You're going to need to regroup wherever possible...
Day 18: ...because the next surprise is a blind-spot away, sitting amped and ready to @*#$ with your day... 
Day 19: ...but hopefully those surprises don't end up as monstrous as they may seem...
Day 20: Then despite all the fight and struggle to clear your way, you still come up short...
Day 21: No excuses!! 
 Day 22: "HEY!! You littllle Sh*#...
Day 23: "NO!!"
24: "Not quitting yet..." 
Day 25: That feeling of resignation you feel when it seems all your efforts were in vain...
Day 26: Maybe you're not too late. Maybe,...
Day 27: "YOU MADE IT!!!" 
Day 28: "YAAAAAYYYYY!!!" 
Day 29: "Did you bring it?!?!" 
30: "How do I look!?!" 
Day 31: "Ok, so like we agreed - anything with peanut butter in it, is mine!" 
                                                                                                                     - Happy Halloween
Inktober 2017

Inktober 2017

This was my 3rd attempt at doing Inktober, in what happened to me my busiest period at work. Previously I'd never got past 16 days so I was hell Развернуть
