Subterranean Alien; the channelers 2017
Plot Summary
Underlings find a new home in two planets in a nearby solar system, after living deep underground for millions of years, they realise the once docile species of surface creatures are beginning to make big impacts on the terrain (humans). The two species encounter each other, one party requests peace the other retaliates in fear.
Kinetic energy = Food source
In an attempt to make the underlings more alien, we came up with the idea to have them gain energy in a way that wasn’t eating food and storing chemical energy.
They don’t have to rely on plants growing, so they can survive in harsh conditions.

When the muscle tissue on their skin are in contact with vibration or elements, the muscles generates electrical energy that then transfer to kinetic energy as food source for Channeler.

Body parts function similar to Heat-pits (in a human understanding):
Their spatial understanding is vast. They can sense the presence of variations in mass, even from a great distance, by feeling subtle vibrations.
Etchings from the heat tools (not in images) are like spoken words, a manipulation in their tunnels can be sensed by others in the surrounding the area.
The homeworld of the aliens is a rogue planet that was once similar to earth. The Underlings were driven underground millions of years ago by a predator when the planet was not yet sterile. Once the rogue planet lost its magnetic field, that old predator died and the Underlings became the dominant species, yet they crawled deeper to seek heat from the planet’s mantle which was very slowly cooling, creating countless tunnels throughout the planet's crust which are erased and rebuilt as required. They are able to survive off kinetic energy, so the harsh condition of the planet is still livable, but not ideal. The Underlings flee to Earth and Venus when their rogue planet nears the solar system and they begin to build the same complexes on these planets. The Underlings are able to roam the surface of earth because of the magnetic field, but it is quite cold for them, so they stay underground, avoiding the ice age, however, they are disturbed and ‘unearthed’ by the humans at the beginning of the industrial era, challenging their way of life.
The Channelers

The Channelers
